Primary Genre: Other fiction
Word Count: 62,472
Description and Details:
Liam is a self-centered high school graduate living in Southern California. One evening in the summer of 1994, he receives invitations from both Clare, a new love interest wanting to meet up at a punk concert, and Phoebe, a high school friend attempting to organize one last get together before departing for college. The plan, which should satisfy both invites, comes to a halt after he crashes his sister’s car, puncturing the radiator, at the Orange Crush interchange. Hoping to still meet Clare, he decides to drive the car, a few miles at a time, with Knox, a stranger who has recently taken up residency in his bedroom, and Rocky, a high school friend soon to leave for Berkley. In the process, they must fight off the skinheads, escape the sirens, find Clare and get back to Phoebe. Liam is aided along the way by three strange visitors who offer counsel and advice.
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